





A Feminine Kundalini Experience

The Sacred Jewel of the Heart


Awaken Wisdom & Honor the Cycles of Our Lives


Aug. 17th & 18th, 2024 | Topanga Canyon, CA, USA

In Sacred silence, there’s a call,
it comes from deep within.

The forests speak, the river sings.
Women praying, chanting and spiraling into cosmic consciousness.
Togetherness has never felt so rich.

Like a balm made of rain and breeze,
We’re flowing down the stream, softening...
Allowing and feeling the depths of our hearts -
Willing to to receive.

Breaking out of old paradigms, cultures and boxes,
We spiral up into Aquarian frequencies.

Come as you are.
From breathing shallow to breathing deep.
From hearts broken to hearts gently opened.

Together, we walk each other home.

Slow Down, Restore, Connect to Your Sacred Heart

Gather With Us...


Rekindle the communication between you and your highest teacher: Your Soul.


What's Included: 

  • 2 Day In-Person Women's Kundalini Immersion in Topanga Canyon
  • Feminine Kundalini Kriyas, Yoga Nidra, & Deep Restorative Meditation Practices
  • Chanting, Mantra, & Sound Healing Journey
  • Women's Circle Experience: Wise Woman Satsang
  • BONUS: Private Reiki sessions available for booking with special guest, Hari Sant


Saturday & Sunday

August 17 - 18, 2024 | 5am - 5pm PDT

5AM - 7AM: Morning Sadhana
7AM - 8AM: Breakfast (BYO)
8AM - 9AM: Hike (optional)
9:30AM - 12PM: SESSION I Kundalini Yin, Chanting, Meditation Workshop 
12PM - 2PM: Lunch Break with swimming & hot tub
2PM - 5PM: SESSION II Sacred Heart Workshop


🌀 This is a day time immersion ONLY - from 5am to 5pm.

🌀 We can easily get an airbnb close 

Check out our airbnb list here

🌀 We invite you to share Airbnb with sisters from Shakti School! 

🌀 Join this Whatsapp group to ask any questions about your stay or the retreat!


Register Now!


Explore ancient Feminine wisdom teachings from the Yogic traditions and other wisdom keepers as you slow down and recommit to your self care.


  Together, we will unearth the radiance of our hearts, meditate and chant the cosmos.

 Join Us.

✨ Single Payment✨



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✨ 3 Mo. Payment Plan✨



Limited Time Discount!
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⇧Payment Plan available for Single Payment above at checkout with AfterPay

My {Real & Raw} Story

My name is Pauline and I’m deeply passionate about helping women unleash their power and break out of the Patriarchal culture mindsets and live by their uni.

I have lived through 3 generations of suicide in my family, been broke, had health challenges and spent 20 years using drugs, alcohol and food to numb my pain.

I’ve learned through my mental health journey that no woman is crazy by nature. We can learn to live in balance by understanding the cycles of our inner and outer Moon and the seasons of our lives.

And when we remember, learn to feel again and begin to implement new habits of a daily spiritual practice into our lives - far from perfection, but simply in Truth - we liberate ourselves from the indoctrination of this culture and it’s taboos.

I discovered a spiritual path and a daily Sadhana through the Kundalini yoga teachings that enabled me to turn my trauma into purpose. 

At 40 years old, I birthed my daughter Sahej at home and that changed my life.

I deeply care about women and the ways we can serve the children of the Earth and our planet.

I founded Shakti school, a women’s empowerment school in 2008 and I’m here to simply be a guide on the path.

The mission of Shakti School is to share tools, practices and access to ancient Feminine teachings in a modern way.

We’re here to hold space and encourage you to create a daily habit of connecting to your innate power through the act of Sadhana.

I livd in Costa Rica with my beloved Akah, my 12 year old daughter Sahej-Rose and our dog Canelo and cat Rasta Ginger.

Listen to Pauline's music with Aykanna here!






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